WARM #GivingTuesday Starts Now

We All Really Matter is excited to announce our participation in the global movement, #GivingTuesday.
Giving Tuesday 2024 occurs on Tuesday, December 3rd. It is a day of the year when organizations around the world ask you to reflect and contribute to improve the lives of others.
As we reflect on all we have to be grateful for during Thanksgiving and into the giving season of the winter holidays.
WARM hopes that you'll find it in your heart to support our efforts in providing the personal approach of healing as we walk domestic violence victims & survivors through their journey.
WARM works to empower women by sharing our own experiences and struggles that move our survivors towards their personal journeys of rebuilding, restoration and reconnecting within. We help navigate the frontlines and serve those under resourced, left with little to no aid. We are fierce advocators for a world free of systemic violence. In our work, we foster a sense of community and belonging.
Going beyond formalities, we support survivors and our community effectively by cutting through the bureaucracy that too often delays, derails and blocks real help and the care they urgently need.

Scan the QR code donate through WARM website

Scan the QR code donate through WARM CashApp
The Impact of your donation will be felt citywide
Donations help:
WARM's "Critical Response" program. Through our partnership with the NYPD, we respond, rescue and relocate victims in imminent danger.
Placing survivors in emergency hotels up to 3 days
Emergency Uber transportation
Emergency Cash for food, clothing and laundromat services while permanent shelter placement is obtained.
WARM's "Homicide Response" program. As first responders for the NYPD, we rapidly respond to the crime scene to bring assistance to the surviving family and awareness to the community.
Host a Candlelight Vigil in front of the residence.
Cover the Funeral & Burial Expenses via the OVS Victim Reimbursement - maximum $6000.
Prepare funeral arrangements.
Emergency cash for immediate family members
Attire for services
Hair Salon and Barber Shop
Transportation to/from burial site
WARM's "Client Store" stocked with basic essential needs for survivors as they enter DV shelters and/or throughout any time of need. Everyone who walks through our doors and for all in need are provided services.
Stocked with laundry detergent, soaps, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, feminine products, pampers, baby wipes, baby formula, can goods, underwear, socks, pajamas and slippers for men, women and children. Everyone who walks through our doors and for all in need are provided services.
WARM's Group Counseling Workshops including certification and attendance confirmation for anyone who may be mandated by ACS or NYS Courts.
6 Month Curriculum - Every Monday Night from 6pm-8pm
8 Week PTSD & Trauma Training
Twice a Year - (May-June) & (July-August)
12 Week Domestic Violence Training
Twice a Year - (March-May) & (September-November)
WARM's "Love On The Block" scheduled every 2nd Saturday from June-October in Harlem, Brooklyn & the Bronx - attended by over 5000 local residents.
This full FREE street-closed event host dozens of resource vendors, bouncy houses, face painting, cotton candy, popcorn, ices, hamburgers, hotdogs, snacks, beverages in addition to rock climbing, mobile game trucks, 360 photo booth and clothing giveaway for men, women and children.
Ensure survivors have access to the many resources they need.
Providing individual case management
On Site Virtual Court Safe Space
Weekly Grief Counseling
Victim Safety Planning
Mental Health & Legal Service Referrals
NYCHA Applications w/ VAWA DV Upgrade
HRA Applications & One-Shot Deals
ACS Supervised Visits
Family/Criminal/Housing Court Advocacy
Immigration Application and Processing Fees
Domestic Violence Shelter Placements

There are many more services beyond those listed that your donations would support. If you are interested in more details, contact us at weallreallymatter@gmail.com or 917-736-0680/917-736-1621.
Thank you for your support.